January 24, 2009

Week 2

We are surviving! We've had pink eye, colds, and asthma attacks during the last week...but it's all good. Jason called on Thursday. He said his DS (drill sergeant) was standing next to him and he had to tell me he was fine and officially at Basic. We got to talk for about 5 minutes. I think that he is having a really hard time. Not with the work--but just missing the kids. He told me that he did at least 400 push ups. Every five minutes they have to drop and do 25, because someone has screwed up. Something he is really proud of is the fact that he has had a bowl of spinach at every meal! I'm totally liking that part of training. He said he really misses the sound of the kids voices. He sent directions on how to, "Ranger Roll" a shirt. So, of course, the kids spent all evening Thursday, running around like savages with no shirts on...even Kennedy. He told them in his letter that the way you test and see if the shirt was rolled right, is by throwing it against the wall. So, there were a lot of little shirts flying across the house, too.

Lincoln lost his second front tooth yesterday! He's had wiggly front teeth since this past summer. He is pretty proud; and subsequently talks like a toothless old man ;-)

Oh, and one more thing that has been funny. Grant is sending himself to the corner. I guess he must have heard me send one of the older kids...although I really don't send them to the corner
that often. Anyway, a few days ago I heard a little voice say, "Out? Now?....Out? Now?" I look and look, and finally find Grant in a little corner. Solemn as can be. So, of course I said, "Yes, you can come out now." He didn't even smile, he just said, "Thank-do mom" and walked away. But, then five minutes later I heard the same little voice. Yesterday, he sent himself to the corner 7 times. I was counting. It is the cutest, funniest, and slightly most disturbing thing I've ever seen!

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